Request general information (RTI) | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

A Right to Information (RTI) request allows you to apply for:

  • information about other people or companies
  • a combination of your personal information and the information of other people or companies.


There are fees and charges associated with an RTI request.

Application fee

The RTI application fee is $55.75.

The fee payment cannot be waived.

NOTE: QBCC is no longer accepting payments by cheque or cash, or credit card details via email or telephone. 

You can pay the fee:

  • by requesting an invoice and paying through internet banking
  • in person at a QBCC service centre.

Processing charges

Processing fees may apply for complex requests. The processing charges for an RTI application are:

  • nil—if we spend less than 5 hours
  • $8.65 per 15 minutes or part of 15 minutes—if we spend more than 5 hours processing the application.

If we spend more than 5 hours processing an application, the processing charge applies to every hour spent. So, if processing takes 6 hours, the processing charge applies to the 6 hours.

We do not charge processing fees for time spent processing your personal  information—if this is included in your request.

Access charges

Access charges may include:

  •  $0.25 per page of black and white A4 photocopies of documents (does not apply to digital copies supplied by email or CD)
  • the actual cost incurred to engage another entity to search for and retrieve a document
  • the actual cost of transcribing a recording or preparing a written document (you may prefer to consider requesting access to a copy of the audio and arranging the transcript yourself).

How to apply

Download and complete:

Right to Information application form  (PDF, 207KB)

You will need to provide us with:

  • the completed form
  • certified copy of your proof of identity—if your application includes a request for your personal information.

If you wish to apply as a company, one of the directors must provide identification.

If someone (including a legal representative) is acting on your behalf or as your agent, and your application includes a request for your personal information, you must provide:

  • evidence that they have authority to act on your behalf
  • certified copy of their proof of identity
  • certified copy of your proof of identity.

Lodge the completed form and supporting documents to us by:

  • mail: Manager, Right to Information and Information Privacy
    Queensland Building and Construction Commission
    GPO Box 5099
    BRISBANE QLD 4001; or

What happens next?

Valid applications must be processed within 25 business days of us receiving them. A further 10 business days can be added if consultation with third parties are required.

We may negotiate a further extension of time with you, if

  • additional processing time is required due to the size or complexity of the application
  • there are problems locating documents
  • there is a backlog of applications.

After we send you the result of your request, you can ask for a review of the decision if you don’t agree with the outcome.

If we have requested an extension of time to make a decision, this does not affect your right for the internal review.

Last reviewed: 6 Oct 2021 Last published: 6 Oct 2021
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