Required courses for owner builders | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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In some instances one person will also need to complete an asbestos awareness training course.

You must have finished the courses in the last 5 years. 

These courses must be completed by:

  • a person listed on the property title
  • a company director if the property is owned by a company
  • a lessee if the property is under a lease agreement.

If the property where the work is to be performed is owned in joint names only one person needs to do the courses. They are known as the Nominated Permit Holder.

Owner builder courses

A range of owner builder courses are offered by Registered Training Organisations.

Depending on the provider this course may be taught online or in classrooms. Costs vary depending on the provider.

The owner builder permit application fee doesn't include course costs.

Exemptions from owner builder courses

Current QBCC licence holders are exempt from completing an owner builder course.

You can also apply for an exemption from completing an owner builder course if you hold:

  • a qualification that meets the minimum technical qualification for any QBCC licence (not including interstate licences) – refer to the scopes of work for the available licences for further information
  • a current interstate builder or trade contractor's licence.

You can apply for an exemption from completing an owner builder course if you are a:

  • civil engineer
  • architect
  • building surveyor
  • assistant building surveyor
  • building technician
  • quantity surveyor
  • electrician (not including restricted licences) or
  • hold a qualification that would entitle you to work in any of the above professions.

Note that we can't give you an exemption for building experience alone without a formal qualification, e.g. if you have worked on a building site for a number of years.

How to apply for an owner builder course exemption

QBCC licence holders simply enter or write their licence number into the relevant section of the owner builder permit form to qualify for an automatic exemption.

If you meet the above listed requirements for an Owner Builder Course exemption & do not hold a QBCC licence, your application can be submitted on myQBCC or posted to GPO Box 5099, Brisbane QLD 4001.

Ensure you include the following information that applies to you:

  • evidence of your current interstate licence
  • copies of your technical qualifications
  • evidence of your current profession.

You must apply for the exemption and receive a response before you apply for your owner builder permit.

Asbestos awareness training courses

If there's a chance you will be working with asbestos you need to do an asbestos awareness training course. The QBCC does not prescribe a mandatory course, however suitable course providers can be found by searching ‘asbestos awareness course’ in your preferred search engine, or alternatively enrolling in the nationally accredited training course 11084NAT (course in asbestos awareness).

Alternatively, if you hold a current asbestos removal licence, this may be considered an equivalent course.

You need to have done an asbestos awareness training course if:

  • your house was built before 1990
  • your work will involve renovating, altering, extending, improving or repairing a building where asbestos may be present.

Depending on the provider this course may be taught online or in classrooms. Costs vary depending on the provider.

The owner builder permit application fee doesn't include course costs.

Although you do not have to provide evidence of your asbestos awareness training as part of your application you may be required to present it to us on request within 48 hours.

Last reviewed: 30 Aug 2021 Last published: 30 Aug 2021
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