Apply for an internal review | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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You only get one chance at internal review. 


28 days to apply

You must apply by submitting the approved form within 28 calendar days after you have been given notice of the original decision, or otherwise become aware of the decision related to your application. 

The 28 calendar day period is intended to give you sufficient time to:

  • carefully consider the original decision,
  • seek clarification from the original decision maker (if needed),
  • gather further information and evidence that may assist the Commission make a different decision,
  • prepare your internal review application using the approved form.

Once you have gathered this information, present this evidence as part of your internal review application, using the approved form.

Applying outside of the 28 days

If you do not submit an internal review application in the approved form within 28 calendar days, you may still make an application to the Internal Review Unit after this period expires. 

There must be sufficient justification for accepting an 'out of time' application. It is your responsibility to provide reasons for why there was a delay in making the application. 

A case officer will assess your justification and make a decision whether or not to accept your application after the 28 calendar day deadline. 

How to apply

Applying online is the fastest and easiest way to apply. It will ensure that your application is immediately received by the Internal Review Unit. It also requires you to provide all the information necessary to start the review

NOTE: If the QBCC has not yet made a decision, you should contact us for further information prior to attempting your application.

  1. When you make an application for internal review, you are requesting that the Commission change a decision that it has already made. It takes more than your personal belief that a decision is wrong or unfair for a decision to be changed. 

    New evidence

    Gather as much new evidence as you can to support your case. Provide any new information you think will help explain why the decision should be changed, including:

    • documented new expert advice
    • evidence of new facts or circumstances you hadn't previously provided.

    Other information

    Other information we will require includes:

    • the original case reference number (usually at the top right hand side of the decision letter you received for the decision you want reviewed) 
    • date of the decision (the date at the top of the decision letter or the date you received the decision) 
    • name of the original decision maker (usually found at the end of the decision letter) 
    • written authority for any agent acting on your behalf (if you are using an agent) 
    • QCAT reference number (if you have one) if you've applied to QCAT regarding the decision 
    • why you believe the original decision is incorrect and/or what information you believe was not considered or missed by the original decision maker 
    • what you would like to occur if the original decision is changed 
    • reasons for the delay in making your application(s) if your application is being made outside the 28 calendar day period.


  2. If you are not yet registered for myQBCC it is quick and easy to do. You can be up and running in less than 5 minutes. Once registered you can:

    • Login to myQBCC
    • navigate to the Complaints and disputes tab
    • scroll down to the Internal review application form
    • click the ACTION arrow and choose to start a new form.

    NOTE: There is a character limit on the web form, but you will have the opportunity to attach further documents at the end of the form. 

  3. You will need to

    • complete all sections of the form 
    • upload supporting documents
    • submit the form.
  1. When you make an application for internal review, you are requesting that the Commission change a decision that it has already made. It takes more than your personal belief that a decision is wrong or unfair for a decision to be changed. 

    New evidence

    Gather as much new evidence as you can to support your case. Provide any new information you think will help explain why the decision should be changed, including:

    • documented new expert advice
    • evidence of new facts or circumstances you hadn't previously provided.

    Other information

    Other information we will require includes:

    • the original case reference number (usually at the top right hand side of the decision letter you received for the decision you want reviewed) 
    • date of the decision (the date at the top of the decision letter or the date you received the decision) 
    • name of the original decision maker (usually found at the end of the decision letter) 
    • written authority for any agent acting on your behalf (if you are using an agent) 
    • QCAT reference number (if you have one) if you've applied to QCAT regarding the decision 
    • why you believe the original decision is incorrect and/or what information you believe was not considered or missed by the original decision maker 
    • what you would like to occur if the original decision is changed 
    • reasons for the delay in making your application(s) if your application is being made outside the 28 calendar day period.
  2. Provide us the completed form and all supporting documents:

What happens next?

An internal review application is acknowledged within 2 business days of receipt of the application. Once an application is acknowledged and processed, it will in most cases be allocated to a case officer.

Read about the review process

Last reviewed: 1 Jul 2024 Last published: 1 Jul 2024
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