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When you might get audited
The QBCC can audit Notifiable work to check it is compliant with registration and technical requirements. Local governments may also conduct inspections to check that plumbing work meets relevant codes and standards.
QBCC audits of notifiable work
The QBCC regularly conducts audits of notifiable work activity and its registration with the QBCC.
QBCC approved audit program of notifiable work
Under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 (PD Act), the QBCC may audit licensees to determine if they have been complying with the requirements for notifiable work.
What happens during an audit?
If the QBCC audits your work, you will receive a notice to provide documents. The QBCC then checks the documents to ensure that notifiable work has been registered.
Current audit
The following audit program is established to take place between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025.
This notice of an approved audit program is published in accordance with section 47(4) and 47(5) of the PD Act.
Monitor compliance with the notifiable work laws under section 83 of the PD Act.
The audit period is set to start on 1 July 2024 and conclude on 30 June 2025.
Criteria for licensees
All licensees holding the classes of licence listed below may be randomly selected for audit.
Licensees may also be selected for audit on the basis of information received by the QBCC from enquiries, complaints or engagement or compliance activities.
Licence classes subject to this audit program
The following licence classes as per Schedule 4 of the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019:
- Plumbers
- Drainers
- Restricted licensees.
Notice to licensees of selection for audit
Licensees will be advised in writing with a notice in accordance with section 48 of the PD Act. Where possible the notice will be distributed by email.
Licensee obligations if selected for audit
Licensees must comply with the notice within 10 days after receiving the notice in accordance with section 48(5) of the PD Act, unless they have a reasonable excuse.
The licensee must comply with the notice even though complying might tend to incriminate the licensee or expose the licensee to a penalty.
Local government inspections of notifiable work
Local governments may also audit notifiable work within their local government area.
A licensee or owner/occupier may also contact the local government directly to request an inspection of the work. In this case, fees may apply.
From local government?
Are you from local government and looking to search for notifiable work to audit? Local governments can search for notifiable work (Form 4/4a) on the self-service portal myQBCC.
You will need to request an account from us. Send your details to notifiablework@qbcc.qld.gov.au requesting an account set-up. We require the following details:
- first name and surname of the user
- a local government individual email address (i.e. cannot be a generic or group email, and it must end in 'qld.gov.au'. For example, name@yourcouncil.qld.gov.au is the acceptable format.
- your business telephone numbers, e.g. landline and mobile
- name of the local government entity.
Once your account has been created you will receive a 'Welcome to myQBCC' email from us advising that we have created an account for you. You can then login to myQBCC and get started.
Consequence for non-compliance
The QBCC may apply a range of penalties on an individual who performs or is responsible for work that is:
- non-compliant
- defective
- performed without an appropriate licence or endorsement
Local government 'action notice'
If a local government finds non-compliant plumbing and drainage work in the course of a notifiable work audit inspection, they may issue an 'action notices'.
The action notice will state the actions the responsible person has to take to make the work compliant, and whether a further inspection is required.
Repeat offences
Individuals who repeatedly place Queenslanders at risk by performing either unlicensed or non-compliant plumbing or drainage work and who endanger health and safety will face:
- increased penalties for second or third offences
- up to one year in jail for a third conviction.
Find out more about the consequences for non-compliance.